rman backup script fails to run in crontab where as it will succeed if executed manually. Here i am going to use a simple script just to demonstrate the successful run of rman backup script in crontab. If cronjob failed then it will generate the log information in "/var/mail/ora11g" (here ora11g is username) If the script is not written properly then it will give error messages as below: /home/ora11g/db_scripts/rman_bkp1.sh[6]: RUN: not found [No such file or directory] /home/ora11g/db_scripts/rman_bkp1.sh[7]: ALLOCATE: not found [No such file or directory] /home/ora11g/db_scripts/rman_bkp1.sh[8]: DISK: not found [No such file or directory] /home/ora11g/db_scripts/rman_bkp1.sh[9]: BACKUP: not found [No such file or directory] /home/ora11g/db_scripts/rman_bkp1.sh[10]: RELEASE: not found [No such file or directory] /home/ora11g/db_scripts/rman_bkp1.sh: line 10: syntax error at line 11: `}' unexpected sample script which will run successful in crontab: There is no backup fo...
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