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Showing posts from April, 2012

Using 11gR2 RAC with Oracle Applications R12.1.1

This is a step-by-step article for integrating oracle 11gR2 RAC with oracle E-Business suite R12.1.1. Oracle E-business suite release R12.1.1 is packed with oracle database version The below workshop is configured on a E-Business suite R12.1.1 Multi node Installation with database running on version Major steps: 1) Install and configure cluster on 2 nodes 2) create ASM Disk group for ERP database 3) Install 11gR2 RDBMS Oracle Home on 2 nodes 4) Install 11gR2 examples software on 2 nodes 5) Install Application patches 6) convert non-rac database to RAC database 7) Enable autoconfig on database and application nodes 8) Startup services and verify services 9) Login to OAM and verify all active nodes. E-Business suite R12.1.1 with 11gr2 RAC system topology: 1) Install and configure cluster on 2 nodes - configure SCAN IP on DNS Server SCAN IP is configured using windows 2003 DNS Server and scan name is SCAN-RACERP Add entries in dns server for scan-race...