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Showing posts from October, 2012

Purge Inactive Sessions - Apps R12

This article illustrates how to run "Purge Inactive Sessions" concurrent program in Oracle E-Business suite R12.1 This program will purge all session which are not active. "Purge Inactive Sessions" concurrent program is not included in request group of  system administrator responsibility. So first we need to add this request to system administrator responsibility request group. Navigation: login as sysadmin >  System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Request - Here search for Group "System Administrator" - Add concurrent program "Purge Inactive Sessions" - save  - Submit new request "Purge Inactive Sessions""   - After successful completion of this request then check no. of records in table icx_sessions.  Hope helps :) Thanks for reading. regards, X A H E E R

RAC to NON RAC Database clone 11gR2

This posts illustrates steps for cloning a 11gR2 RAC database to a single Instance database.  There are many ways to perform a RAC database to NON-RAC database clone, but the below illustrated seems to be the easiest approach for me compare to all other methods. In this demonstration oelrac1 & oelrac2 are OEL 5.6 Linux hosts running GI and database. - erpnode3 running OEL 5.6 configured with all database OS pre-requisites, but does not contain any oracle product installed on it. Steps: 1) perform  full database backup from any of the RAC Instance RMAN> connect target connected to target database: PROD (DBID=208065887) RMAN> RUN 2> { 3> allocate channel ch1 type 4> disk format '/u01/11g_db/rman_db_backups/%d_DB_%u_%s_%p'; 5> backup database plus archivelog; 6> release channel ch1; 7> } released channel: ORA_DISK_1 allocated channel: ch1 channel ch1: SID=67 instance=prod1 device type=DISK Startin...

DBCA Not showing ASM Diskgroup in RAC

There was a requirement to create one RAC database ( running on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.6. DBCA was running fine for creating database until selecting the location for datafiles. When i was selecting ASM as an storage then this process is aborting clusterware services and unmounting ASM Diskgroup. Expected is it should select the available disk group by default. But when i trying to browse the Disk group then its  aborting the clusterware services and unmounting the diskgroup from where we've executed dbca. Error log from clusterware: [client(7361)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/11g_grid/grid/log/oelrac1/client/crsctl.log. 2012-10-09 12:03:00.730 [client(7400)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/11g_grid/grid/log/oelrac1/client/crsctl.log. 2012-10-09 13:40:01.031 [client(11408)]CRS-1013:The OCR location in an ASM disk group is inaccessible. Details in /u01/11g_grid...