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Showing posts from October, 2019

About - Oracle Autonomous - Self Driving Database

What is Oracle Autonomous Database? Oracle Autonomous Database allows you rapidly & easily create mission critical databases, It protects data from both external and internal threats, automates all infrastructure & database maintenance, recovers from any failure without downtime and scales online for highest performance & lower cost. Components of Oracle Autonomous Database: An Oracle Autonomous database comprises of 3 components: Oracle Exadata Oracle database Automated Data Center Operations and Machine Learning   How Does Oracle Database Works: An Oracle Autonomous Database is self driving, self securing and self repairing. Self Driving:  It Automates all databases and infrastructure management, Patching, tune Queries and Monitoring Self Securing:  Protects database from both external and malicious internal users by automatically encrypting data both at rest and in transit Self Repairing:  Automatically recover from any failure. Protects fro...

Manual switchover of RAC database using Data Guard

The following post will provide the list of steps that needs to be performed while performing a manual switchover to DR database when Data guard is configured between these database. These commands are helpful if we are not using broker for switchover operations: Primary DB -  ERPDB Standby DB  DERPDB*   STEP1:(ERPDB) srvctl status database -d ERPDB srvctl stop instance  -d ERPDB  -i ERPDB2 -o immediate srvctl status database -d ERPDB STEP2: (DERPDB) srvctl status database -d DERPDB srvctl stop instance  -d DERPDB  -i DERPDB1 -o immediate srvctl status database -d DERPDB STEP3:(ERPDB) SELECT  NAME,DB_UNIQUE_NAME,DATABASE_ROLE,SWITCHOVER_STATUS FROM V$DATABASE; STEP4:(DERPDB) SELECT  NAME,DB_UNIQUE_NAME,DATABASE_ROLE,SWITCHOVER_STATUS FROM V$DATABASE; STEP5:(ERPDB) - Convert ERPDB to Physical standby database ALTER DATABASE COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER TO PHYSICAL STANDBY WITH SESSION SHUTDOWN; SHUTDOWN IMMEDI...