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Showing posts from July, 2013

powermt display dev all Device(s) not found - solaris 11

If you're trying to configure EMC clariion/vnx with solaris 11 and you encountered an Error "powermt display dev=all Device(s) not found." then this post if for you. Though LUN is connected, zoning is perfect,  Physical drive for LUN is visible and still you're not able to list the devices with powerpath. This is because your storage array in solaris 11 is listed as unmanaged. Just we need to change it from unmanaged to managed and save the configuration. - Here its listing the physical drive (LUN). - No devices are listed - Here its  listing "Clariion" as unmanaged  - change the status of clariion from unmnaged to manage - Now LUN is visible in powerpath management. Happy trouble shooting and thanks for reading :) regards, X A H E E R