1)Install The below mentioned packages:
# pkgadd -d /mnt/cdrom/Solaris_10/Product/ *smb* SUNWlibpopt
This command installs the SUNWsmbac, SUNWsmbar, SUNWsmbau and SUNWlibpopt packages. If you install the three SAMBA and WINS packages without installing SUNWlibpopt you can expect to get this error in your /var/svc/log/network-samba:default.log:
Executing start method ("/usr/sfw/sbin/smbd -D") ] smbd: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory
2)Check The version of SAMBA
You can check the version of SAMBA that has been installed easily using the smbd -V command. Solaris 10 Update 4 includes the SAMBA 3.0.25a package.
# /usr/sfw/sbin/smbd -V
Version 3.0.25a
3)Create the configuration file for SAMBA
Once you have the correct packages all installed you can proceed to configure your SAMBA service. Do not get ahead of yourself and attempt to enable them at this stage as the /etc/sfw/smb.conf file is missing and you will get an error until it exists. We need to create this configuration file now with the basic configuration. Below Mention is the configuration that I created:
workgroup = DEMO-SMBFS
server string = Sol10u4 CIFS Server
log file = /var/adm/samba_log.%m
security = SHARE
comment = backupdata
path = /data
force user =
force group =
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
4)Test the Configuration file
Once you have entered your configuration parameters into the smb.conf file you may want to test them using the testparm program included with SAMBA to be sure that the syntax of the file is correct. This program will automatically check to see that the file is in the correct location and that it appears to be a valid configuration file. This quick check is highly recommended.
# /usr/sfw/bin/testparm
5)Enable Services for SAMBA
As long as your configuration file has passed its check we can continue on our way and enable our SAMBA and WINS services. First reboot your server. Restart these services to make these services available. You can even restart your Server. When your server has restarted you can enable your services. The svcadm command should run silently. In order to check that the services have started correctly you will need to verify them with the svcs command.
# svcadm enable samba wins
# svcs samba wins
If both of your samba related services, samba and wins, return as “online” then you are up and running. If they fail to start you can gain additional information about them by using the -xv option to the svcs command.
# svcs -xv samba wins
6)Accessing Solaris partition from windows
From win Run
1)Install The below mentioned packages:
# pkgadd -d /mnt/cdrom/Solaris_10/Product/ *smb* SUNWlibpopt
This command installs the SUNWsmbac, SUNWsmbar, SUNWsmbau and SUNWlibpopt packages. If you install the three SAMBA and WINS packages without installing SUNWlibpopt you can expect to get this error in your /var/svc/log/network-samba:default.log:
Executing start method ("/usr/sfw/sbin/smbd -D") ] smbd: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory
2)Check The version of SAMBA
You can check the version of SAMBA that has been installed easily using the smbd -V command. Solaris 10 Update 4 includes the SAMBA 3.0.25a package.
# /usr/sfw/sbin/smbd -V
Version 3.0.25a
3)Create the configuration file for SAMBA
Once you have the correct packages all installed you can proceed to configure your SAMBA service. Do not get ahead of yourself and attempt to enable them at this stage as the /etc/sfw/smb.conf file is missing and you will get an error until it exists. We need to create this configuration file now with the basic configuration. Below Mention is the configuration that I created:
workgroup = DEMO-SMBFS
server string = Sol10u4 CIFS Server
log file = /var/adm/samba_log.%m
security = SHARE
comment = backupdata
path = /data
force user =
force group =
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
4)Test the Configuration file
Once you have entered your configuration parameters into the smb.conf file you may want to test them using the testparm program included with SAMBA to be sure that the syntax of the file is correct. This program will automatically check to see that the file is in the correct location and that it appears to be a valid configuration file. This quick check is highly recommended.
# /usr/sfw/bin/testparm
5)Enable Services for SAMBA
As long as your configuration file has passed its check we can continue on our way and enable our SAMBA and WINS services. First reboot your server. Restart these services to make these services available. You can even restart your Server. When your server has restarted you can enable your services. The svcadm command should run silently. In order to check that the services have started correctly you will need to verify them with the svcs command.
# svcadm enable samba wins
# svcs samba wins
If both of your samba related services, samba and wins, return as “online” then you are up and running. If they fail to start you can gain additional information about them by using the -xv option to the svcs command.
# svcs -xv samba wins
6)Accessing Solaris partition from windows
From win Run
thank for shared.