When i was trying to start one of of TEST R12.1.1 applicaiton script "adoacorectl.sh" is exiting with error "adoacorectl.sh: exiting with status 204" and when trying to stop its exiting with error "adoacorectl.sh: exiting with status 204"
Error Stack when trying to start:
When i was trying to start one of of TEST R12.1.1 applicaiton script "adoacorectl.sh" is exiting with error "adoacorectl.sh: exiting with status 204" and when trying to stop its exiting with error "adoacorectl.sh: exiting with status 204"
Error Stack when trying to start:
Executing service control script:
/u01/applR12/inst/apps/TEST_linuxerp1/admin/scripts/adoacorectl.sh start
script returned:
You are running adoacorectl.sh version 120.13
Starting OPMN managed OACORE OC4J instance ...
adoacorectl.sh: exiting with status 204
adoacorectl.sh: check the logfile /u01/applR12/inst/apps/TEST_linuxerp1/logs/appl/admin/log/adoacorectl.txt for more information ...
[applerp@linuxerp1 scripts]$ adopmnctl.sh status
You are running adopmnctl.sh version 120.6
Checking status of OPMN managed processes...
Processes in Instance: TEST_linuxerp1.linuxerp1.orasol.com
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:oafm | 12478 | Alive
OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:forms | 12394 | Alive
OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:oacore | N/A | Down
HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 12147 | Alive
adopmnctl.sh: exiting with status 0
adopmnctl.sh: check the logfile /u01/applR12/inst/apps/TEST_linuxerp1/logs/appl/admin/log/adopmnctl.txt for more information ...
[applerp@linuxerp1 scripts]$
</ Error Stack when trying to stop:
Executing service control script:
/u01/applR12/inst/apps/TEST_linuxerp1/admin/scripts/adoacorectl.sh stop
script returned:
You are running adoacorectl.sh version 120.13
Stopping OPMN managed OACORE OC4J instance ...
adoacorectl.sh: exiting with status 150
adoacorectl.sh: check the logfile /u01/applR12/inst/apps/TEST_linuxerp1/logs/appl/admin/log/adoacorectl.txt for more information ...
=> Stop application services
=> Clear contents of the persistence directory
=> Start application services
[applerp@linuxerp1 scripts]$ cd $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore
[applerp@linuxerp1 oacore]$ ls
application-deployments config persistence tldcache
[applerp@linuxerp1 oacore]$ rm -rf persistence/
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/applerp
[applerp@linuxerp1 oacore]$ mkdir persistence
[applerp@linuxerp1 scripts]$ adopmnctl.sh status
You are running adopmnctl.sh version 120.6
Checking status of OPMN managed processes...
Processes in Instance: TEST_linuxerp1.linuxerp1.orasol.com
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:oafm | 13872 | Alive
OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:forms | 13804 | Alive
OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:oacore | 13723 | Alive
HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 13671 | Alive
adopmnctl.sh: exiting with status 0
adopmnctl.sh: check the logfile /u01/applR12/inst/apps/TEST_linuxerp1/logs/appl/admin/log/adopmnctl.txt for more information ...
[applerp@linuxerp1 scripts]$
I am getting below error while starting opmnctl . We are in R12.1
adoacorectl.sh: exiting with status 204
But the solution given here not helped me, can you please help me what is wrong at my side.
-Best Regards
Very helpful & to the Point
Very helpful