On one of our Oracle Apps 11i Instance, the service for gatekeeper will go offline. In turn users cannot access oracle discoverer 4i and receives the following error message:
Check whether the service for gatekeeper is running or not:
The Service for gatekeeper is not running.
Start the service for gatekeeper, then users can connect to Discoverer Application.
This post may be helpful for those customers who are still using discoverer versions 3 and 4, though its unsupported ;)
Check whether the service for gatekeeper is running or not:
under 8.0.6 $ORACLE_HOME --> /discwb4/util/
bash-3.00$ sh checkdiscoverer.sh
CheckDiscoverer: Version on 10/16/11 10:07 PM
Initializing ORB...
ORB initialized successfully.
Checking for OSAgent...
Found OSAgent.
Checking for OAD...
OAD is running.
Checking for Discoverer Preferences component...
Discoverer Preferences component is registered with OAD.
Checking for Discoverer Server...
Discoverer Server is registered with OAD.
Binding to Discoverer Server...
Successfully bound to Discoverer Server.
Checking for Discoverer Locator...
Found Discoverer Locator.
Binding to Discoverer Server using Discoverer Locator...
Successfully bound to Discoverer Server.
Checking for Gatekeeper...
WARNING: Attempting to use HTTP Firewall Proxy Server
due to security restrictions: org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL[completed=MAYBE, reason=Can not find GateKeeper: org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT[completed=MAYBE]]
Error: Gatekeeper is not running. Clients outside the firewall will not be able to connect.
Hint: Start Gatekeeper by running startgatekeeper.sh under /u01/stage/testerpora/8.0.6/discwb4/util.
Refer to the Discoverer Configuration Guide for more information on configuring Gatekeeper.
Checking that the machine has only one network card...
The Service for gatekeeper is not running.
Start the service for gatekeeper, then users can connect to Discoverer Application.
bash-3.00$ startgatekeeper.sh
Waiting for gatekeeper to start ...
Discoverer gatekeeper Started.
Gatekeeper logs messages to the file /u01/stage/testerpora/8.0.6/discwb4/util/gatekeeper.log
This post may be helpful for those customers who are still using discoverer versions 3 and 4, though its unsupported ;)